About Me

Hi! I'm glad you're here.

My name is Chris Stritzel and thank you very much for stopping by!

I was born and raised in St. Louis and am currently a resident of Downtown Kansas City. Prior to moving to Kansas City, I worked in the real estate development world for a few years, learning hands-on the complexities that go into multi-million dollar deals while getting to know the process better.  It's been a great time, and I hope to continue in this field of work through the efforts of the Hugo-Stritzel Company.

You can learn more on that venture here: www.HugoStritzel.co 

Select Photos from Recent Travel

I always like to visit and explore new places. In the past year, I'm grateful to have visited six new cities spread out over three states and three countries. I look forward to visiting many more soon. 

New cities visited in the past year (in order)

If you have any comments, or would just like to email me, feel free to email me at Chris@HugoStritzel.co